Who We Are

Based in the Orange County and Los Angeles area, Metro Star Property Care Inc. is a leading provider in commercial cleaning and janitorial services.
Since 2001, Metro Star Property Care Inc. has been trusted by business and industry leaders to provide the highest quality of cleaning and janitorial services to businesses and offices of all sizes in order to enhance customer satisfaction to our greatest ability.

We want to know
what WE can do to help you!

With an emphasis on personal and one-on-one communication, we have de­liv­ered the best-in-​class of­fice clean­ing ser­vices to our cus­tomers in a wide va­ri­ety of mar­kets - in­clud­ing commercial, industrial, and institutional. In the scope of fa­cil­i­ty main­te­nance, our clients come to us for jan­i­to­ri­al ser­vice, build­ing main­te­nance, paint­ing, of­fice clean­ing, win­dow wash­ing, stone floor restoration and maintenance, car­pet clean­ing and hard sur­face floor care. This wide spec­trum of services allows us to deliver them ef­fi­cient­ly, ef­fec­tive­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. Whether you choose stand-​alone of­fer­ings or bun­dle pack­ages, we tai­lor our services to your com­pa­ny's spe­cif­ic needs.

Professional Services

We offer a wide array of professional and courteous services to all our customers and never compromise the quality of cleaning offered.

Office Cleaning System

Our dedication to provide an unparalleled service goes beyond traditional janitorial cleaning, where the focus is only on the appearance of your facility.

Technological Advances

We have ensured that we are up-to-date on the latest technological advances in cleaning equipment and chemicals in order to provide provide a safer and more effective cleaning system.

Our Services

We care about offering you a service that you can be proud of - one that meets your needs and that works within your budget.

Commercial Cleaning

Floor Care

Window Washing

Carpet Cleaning

  • Commercial Cleaning
  • Janitorial Services
  • Janitorial Supplies
  • Day Porter Services
  • Floor Stripping
  • Floor Waxing
  • Stone Floor Restoration
  • Stone Floor Care
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • High Pressure Washing
  • Window Washing
  • Ceramic Care

What Makes Metro Star Property Care Different?

We are friendly, fair, honest and dependable.

We understand that it is not only imperative that the quality of our work is stellar, but that the relationship we maintain with our clients is of utmost importance. We believe that it is equally as necessary that we are dependable as fair, honest and friendly. These are our core values and the very least of what you should expect from us. We set ourselves apart from other cleaning services by evaluating the wants and needs of each of our clients and constantly staying in touch to be prepared when and if those needs change. If a problem arises, we will personally come to you in order to remedy it, rather than simply giving you a call. We understand how important customer service is, and we are determined to provide you with an unparalleled experience.

Metro Star

Request a Quote

Looking for pricing information? Metro Star Property Care always offers complimentary cost analysis of your facility and our recommendation on a cleaning program. Schedule an appointment with one our Account Executives and get a complimentary walk-through and proposal.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are constantly striving to make our services even better

A jan­i­to­ri­al ser­vice should be cho­sen by first defin­ing the needs and wants of your facility and de­vel­op­ing a plan to meet those needs and wants at the most eco­nom­i­cal price. If cost is your most im­por­tant fac­tor, make this known when call­ing po­ten­tial ser­vice providers. There are many in­ex­pen­sive ser­vice providers avail­able, how­ev­er, with low­er costs you may be sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty, con­sis­ten­cy and re­li­a­bil­i­ty. If qual­i­ty, con­sis­ten­cy and re­li­a­bil­i­ty are im­por­tant to you, then you should look for a com­pa­ny with high stan­dards in their jan­i­to­ri­al ser­vices that possesses a man­age­ment team and proper in­fras­truc­ture to pro­vide you with your de­sired stan­dard of ser­vice. Su­per­vi­sion, ser­vice and in­fras­truc­ture do have a cost. Metro Star Property Care may not be the most in­ex­pen­sive ser­vice provider; how­ev­er, you will not find the qual­i­ty of ser­vice we of­fer for less. Our com­pa­ny pro­vides all of these qual­i­ties at a com­pet­i­tive price.

The cost de­pends on the lev­el of ser­vice you re­quest and the types of ser­vices need­ed to meet your re­quests. The largest factor of cost in the clean­ing ser­vice in­dus­try is the cost of la­bor, in­clud­ing pay­roll tax­es and in­sur­ances. The cost of ser­vice is based on how many hours of labor it re­quires to ef­fec­tive­ly and thor­ough­ly clean your space. The fol­low­ing are some in­sight­ful ques­tions to ask: How many la­bor hours it should take to per­form the job? How much su­per­vi­sion will my ac­count re­ceive? How are cus­tomer ser­vice is­sues han­dled?

On­ly Metro Star Property Care em­ploy­ees en­ter your build­ing. We nev­er use sub-​con­trac­tors. Your build­ing's se­cu­ri­ty is of the ut­most im­por­tance to Metro Star Property Care, and we are determined to maintain that principle of integrity.

No. Un­like most jan­i­to­ri­al ser­vice providers, Metro Star Property Care be­lieves our ser­vice speaks for it­self. We do not re­quire long-term con­tracts and choose to do busi­ness on a month-to-month ba­sis. As our philosophy states, “We have to earn your busi­ness each and ev­ery month.

Contact Metro Star Property Care by either calling or emailing us for your FREE janitorial service bid. We will set up a walkthrough of your property with a sales representative.